Understanding the Customer Help File

Understanding the SwiftPOS Customer Help File

The swiftpos Customer Help File is the comprehensive resource you can use to get detailed instructions on every component of swiftpos– straight from the Back Office. Just select F1 from the module you are in, and the relevant Help File appears like magic!

For example, a club manager may want to add a new member who has recently joined the Back Office Member Module but is unsure if their membership information will be automatically transferred to the software’s Accounts module for invoicing purposes.

customer help file

By selecting F1, the venue manager can see what function sits behind the “New” button as the SwiftPOS Customer Help File automatically opens to the “Member Records” help page, without having to scroll through the page’s resources. 


The SwiftPOS Customer Help File landing page will give you an overarching breakdown of the key features, products, and modules of the software, including SwiftPOS Touch information and SwiftPOS Back Office information. 

It also displays the software’s main navigation menu and all dropdown content on the left-hand side, as well as key information, such as what’s new, features, how-to, and software registration information. 

swiftpos customer help file 1

And each module is further broken down into sub-modules that follow a similar structure.

In the example above, the module in question is Members/Loyalty; the sub-module is members > member records. The breakdown of the content will first show the index of where this content is relevant in terms of the software, in this case, SwiftPOS Back Office > Members > Member Records. 

Following that, will be an overall description of the sub-module, things to be considered in terms of the function of the module, and then, the breakdown of each section of the module in detail, including an image of the sub-module, search filters description, grid breakdown, footer taskbar function buttons and noteworthy tips towards the end. 

The help file can also be accessed at any time, on any device.

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